RPM Carolinas helps Independent Practices in South Carolina deploy the Remote Patient Monitoring solution that’s right for you.
We’ll implement the program and hand you a turnkey operation earning $55-$200 per patient, per month.
We’ll do all the things you don’t want to do: setup, training, billing, equipment, patient onboarding, monitoring, marketing and support.
Best of all, it won’t cost you a penny. Our fee is paid by the RPM vendor you select.
Average Independent Practice in SC
Enrolls 160 patients
Makes $8,800/month
per year
Without additional patients or staff!

Yours Free!
12 Point Report: What Your RPM Program Must Have To Be Successful
Fill out this quick form to get your free copy. We don’t sell or share your information and you can opt out when we send your free report.
Six Reasons Why South Carolina Healthcare Providers Want To Talk With Us
We're Local
You’ll know us personally, and we’ll have face-to-face accountability to you. No more call centers or people you
don’t know. We focus on a long term relationship.
We Take Everything Non-Clinical Off the Practice
Rolling out a new program can be overwhelming. We’ll do all the things you don’t want to do: setup, training, billing, equipment, patient onboarding, monitoring, marketing and support.
We are Vendor Agnostic
Unlike other RPM companies, we aren’t biased towards a particular RPM vendor. We’ll recommend the vendors
that are the best fit for you. (Fiduciary vs. salesperson)
You’ll Never Pay Us a Dime!
If you don’t like any of the options we bring to you, you owe nothing. If you decide to use a vendor we recommend, they’ll pay us, not you. There is no risk to you.
No Long Term Contracts
The longest term is 1 year. If you aren’t delighted with the service you’re getting, you can cancel at any time.
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
If you don’t like a vendor for any reason, we’ll fix it or bring you an alternative. You won’t have to deal with the former vendor, we’ll do it for you, and bring you one that’s closer to what you want. We aren’t happy until you’re happy.

RPM Carolinas
1237 Gadsden Street Suite 200-K
Columbia, SC 29201
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