After 27 years in telecommunications, including 12 years as founder and CEO of Enable Communications, it was time for a new challenge.

I learned about remote patient monitoring by accident.  One of my clients, a pediatric practice, needed a messaging app for appointment reminders.  While talking with the folks at MessagePro, they mentioned their entry into RPM.  At that time, their new venture, Remote Care Partners, was only a year old, as was the industry.

The more I learned about RPM, the more I loved it.  It’s a classic win for all involved.

Alan Lott

The most expensive healthcare is found in the Emergency Room.

Remote Monitoring is designed to keep patients out of the ER.  By catching symptoms before they’re an emergency, the outcome is better for the patient, less expensive for Medicare, and delivers a higher level of care from the practitioner.  It’s a win for the patient, the taxpayer and the practice.  CMS findings show a 17% reduction in cost, 13% improvement in patient health, 25% greater patient satisfaction, and a 72% reduction in hospital admissions.

An often overlooked aspect is RPM makes healthcare accessible to patient populations that have been left behind.  RPM insures a more equitable distribution of healthcare resources.  For many older, lower income and rural patients, going to the doctor is difficult.  Many never go unless they are in dire straits.  By monitoring these patients at home, real time changes can be made in the treatment plans, and the monthly calls they get from clinical staff make them feel like someone cares.  As a result, they follow their treatment plans more closely and enjoy better outcomes.

Deploying RPM can be a daunting task. 

Setup, training, billing, equipment, patient onboarding, monitoring, marketing and support must all be accounted for.  No practice manager or practitioner wants to take it on.  That’s where we come in.  We take all the non-clinical tasks off the practice.  Based on the practice needs, we bring a few carefully selected RPM vendors to the table for evaluation.  We walk the practice through the selection process and facilitate the program rollout.  It’s very rewarding to see the process go from nothing to full deployment.  I love knowing we’ve done something that helps so many people.  And the relationships that are built are priceless.  That’s what I enjoy most.  I have some relationships in my telecom practice that have lasted longer than some of my clients have been married.  That’s success to me, and it’s what I strive for every day.

CatI enjoy flying, working on my classic car, watching football, loving on my granddaughter Lucy, and taking care of my 14 year old diabetic cat, Dmitry.  He’s a good boy.

RPM Carolinas
1237 Gadsden Street Suite 200-K
Columbia, SC 29201

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