Our Process

Discovery Call

On this call, we’ll discuss your unique situation, any concerns you have and answer any questions you have about us.


This is when the real work begins!  We’ll work closely with your vendor account team and your staff to insure a successful rollout. You can expect 30-40% of the patients contacted to enroll over the next 90-120 days.


Two options here: You can bill CMS or your preferred vendor can do it for you. Initially, we suggest letting the vendor process the first few cycles.

Periodic Reviews

Any program is only as successful as the ongoing support.  It must be nurtured and maintained.  We provide ongoing periodic reviews based on the maturity of your program.  Lots of them early, less as the program finds it’s legs.  Then into a schedule that works best for you.

Review of Potential Vendors

Based on your needs, we’ll review 2-4 potential vendors. We’ll discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each. When you’ve found some potential matches, we’ll set up presentations. The vendors never have direct access to you, and you’ll never have to fend off phone calls or emails from multiple account teams. We control their access until you decide to give it to them. We do this to save your time and sanity.

Vendor Selection

Once the presentations have been given, we’ll huddle to hear what you think. We’ll talk about which will be a potential fit for your organization. Because we’re vendor agnostic, we’ll tell you the good, the bad and the ugly about each vendor. After all your questions have been answered, we’ll award the bid to your preferred vendor.

RPM Carolinas
1237 Gadsden Street Suite 200-K
Columbia, SC 29201

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